设计理念: 美国室内设计杂志特约编辑。 米兰设计周特约观察员。 中国建筑学会室内设计分会会员 SIID青年设计师委员会筹委会成员 2018年 胡润大设计论坛80后受青睐设计师 2018年 中国装饰设计业十大杰出青年百人榜 Special Editor of American Interior Design Magazine. Special observer for Milan Design Week. Member of Interior Design Branch of Chinese Architectural Society Member of the Preparatory Committee of SIID Youth Designer Committee The Most Favored Designers in the Post-80s Era of Hurun Design Forum 2018 Top Ten Outstanding Young People's 100 Lists of China's Decoration and Design Industry in 2018 设计理念: 点滴皆是禅意,万法俱向细微! 于无声处听惊雷,着有形时看风飞! 设计就是要融合诗意和生活, 创造平凡生活中的光芒万丈或百转千回。 Every bit is Zen, and everything goes fine! Listen to thunder in silence and watch the wind fly when it is tangible! Design is to integrate poetry and life. Create the brilliance of ordinary life. 以“人文节制、共生未来”作为设计理念,探寻人文、创意与生活之间的精妙连接,以创造带有情感共鸣的高质素空间为理想。时而清净纯粹,时而热情恣肆,一张一弛,在两种极致状态中体验设计的平衡与无拘,是他独特的设计方法论。 With the concept of "humanistic restraint and symbiotic future", this paper explores the fine connection between humanities, creativity and life to create a high-quality space with emotional resonance. Sometimes pure, sometimes enthusiastic, one relaxation, in two extreme states experience the balance and freedom of design, is his unique design methodology. 设计案例: 北京顺义普罗旺斯部分别墅室内设计, 北京顺义优山美地部分别墅室内设计, 北京动向体育kappa店铺室内设计, 北京李宁体育用品店室内设计, 北京素人皮具办公室室内设计, 呼和浩特伊泰华府部分业主室内设计。