江西赣艺装饰工程有限公司——哥伦比亚La Condesa餐厅

日期:2015-08-05 14:39:03
哥伦比亚La Condesa餐厅

    与一般传统餐厅的标准设计不同,哥伦比亚La Condesa餐厅想要带给客人一种完全不一样的就餐体验。在这个餐厅里,共有三个完全不同的区域,客人们可以在这三个地方得到三种不同的感觉:他们可以在阳台上边品美食边享受这惬意的时光;或者在酒吧里喝喝鸡尾酒、结交新朋友;还可以在晚上来我们精心准备的开胃小吃区里尽情的放松一下。

    最后不得不提到休息室,里面的沙发、反光的天花板和不甚明亮的灯光,营造出一种神奇而亲切的氛围,让人们得以在这里享受美味的同时,舒适的分享彼此的故事和对过去的难忘回忆。总之,La Condesa餐厅的设计注重人们的感官体验,能够让大家在这里忘却现实中的一切烦恼,和朋友们共享美妙的时刻。

Created away from the traditional standards of delicatessens, LA CONDESA seeks to make visitors feel special.There are 3 areas in one place that allow guests to have different sensations: the terrace is the place to spend a pleasant evening enjoying different dishes and drinks from our menu. The bar is the spot to make friends while enjoying a cocktail or our selection of appetizers, a more relaxed place to enjoy during the night. 

Finally the lounge: the sofas, the reflections on the ceiling and dim lighting create a magical and intimate atmosphere to comfortably share an evening full of stories and memories while enjoying good food.LA CONDESA is designed for the enjoyment of the senses, to share with friends in a beautiful atmosphere where you can get away from reality for a while.


